4. Click Counts for Mobile Push Notifications


Before you begin, make sure you’ve completed these steps:


By the end of this guide, you should see the following result:

You can send a mobile push notification from Mindbox and the target device will display it. When you tap the notification, the status in your project’s UI changes to "Clicked."

To check that clicks are being detected, please use this guide.

1. Submitting push notification click counts

Insert the Mindbox.onPushClicked method call in the activities you specified in the onMessageReceived method earlier.

You should call Mindbox.onPushClicked through 2 callbacks: onNewIntent and onCreate.

import cloud.mindbox.mobile_sdk.*

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private fun processMindboxIntent(intent: Intent?) {
        // Adding a push-related click event
        intent?.let { Mindbox.onPushClicked(this, it) }

    override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // ...

        // ...

Note that Mindbox.onPushClicked returns true if the SDK identifies the intent and processes it properly. Otherwise, the method returns false.

2. App navigation

A click invokes the activity you specified in the push notification settings. To process any other data from a push notification, use the getUrlFromPushIntent and getPayloadFromPushIntent methods.

val pushUrl = Mindbox.getUrlFromPushIntent(intent)
val payload = Mindbox.getPayloadFromPushIntent(intent)


Check your results:

You should now be able to send a push notification from Mindbox that will be displayed on your target device. When you tap the notification, its status should change to "Clicked" in the interface.