3.1. Sending Mobile Push Notifications Using MindboxAppDelegate


Refer to this guide for a simple way to set up mobile push notifications so that AppDelegate is inherited from MindboxAppDelegate.

This mechanism provides all the required API methods so that you have only to initialize the libraries and sign up for notifications.


By the end of this guide you should be able to:

  • retrieve subscribers from the app;
  • send push notifications (including rich push notifications) to your subscribers;
  • submit push-related clicks to Mindbox’s CDP;
  • submit users’ app open count to Mindbox’s CDP;
  • guarantee that data on user actions in your app will be sent to Mindbox even if the app is running in the background;
  • submit actions from the app: views, cart actions, orders, etc.

Follow these steps for setup:

Getting keys for iOS App and setting up connection to APNs

  1. Sending Push Notifications Using AppDelegate
  2. Sending Rich Push Notifications Using AppDelegate
  3. Setting up Background Tasks to Guarantee Delivery Using AppDelegate
  4. Integrating Actions in Your App