Awarding Prizes

Method Description

Invoked with a POST request. Operation name and input fields can be set up via Maestra framework. Details of method invocation can be found here.

POST{synch/asynch operation}?endpoint={unique ID of site/mobile app/etc.}&operation={operation name}&deviceUUID={unique device ID}

Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: SecretKey {Secret Key, check with the manager if it's mandatory}

      <webSiteUserId>{customer ID}</webSiteUserId>
      <systemName>{internal prize name}</systemName>

Sample Operations

POST https://api.maestra.iod/v3/operations/sync?endpoint=Maestra&operation=givePrize

Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: SecretKey mFetuX6U
