iOS Push Notifications Format

Mindbox sends push notifications through the Apple Push Notification System — APNS. All notifications have two flags enabled: mutable-content and content-available.

That means that all push notifications launch the Notification Service Extension, where you should set up image downloading, button processing and data submission on received push notifications.

Fields description

  • body,title and clickUrl — mandatory fields:
  • imageUrl and payload — can be empty;
  • buttons — the buttons array with 0–3 elements.
	"aps": {
    	"alert": {
            "title": "<Message title>",
            "body": "<Message text>"
    	"sound": "default",
        "mutable-content": 1,
        "content-available": 1
	"clickUrl": "<URL in the push message text>",
	"imageUrl": "<Image URL>",
	"payload": "<Any additional JSON>",
    "buttons": [
            "text": "<Button 1 text>",
            "url": "<Button 1 URL>",
            "uniqueKey": "<Button 1 GUID>"
            "text": "<Button 2 text>",
            "url": "<Button 2 URL>",
            "uniqueKey": "<Button 2 GUID>"
            "text": "<Button 3 text>",
            "url": "<Button 3 URL>",
            "uniqueKey": "<Button 3 GUID>"
	"uniqueKey": "<Message GUID>"